Best way to carry out teams audit and monitor progress

Hi, Smartsheet community,

I am new to smartsheet and have been tasked with a project to conduct an "as-is" process audit. at least 20 functional teams will be involved in this process.

Because the teams have different functions, I'll like to give them the flexibility to duplicate all questions around each activity they carry out. I'll like to:

  • Create a dashboard to monitor the progress of the audit
  • 年代end a unique link to each team to complete the audit
  • Be able to see the data that has already been entered
  • Create reports
  • Be able to analyse the data later.


  • Jon Mark H
    Jon Mark H ✭✭✭✭


    How long will it take the teams to complete the audit (is it a 1-shot thing they can do all at once, or is it a multi-stage audit, or just a long process?

    If it's quick or multi-stage I would recommend:

    Create (1) sheet with all your criteria for the audit

    Create (20) forms - (you can hide a unique identifier in the form for each team so their data is recorded as unique to them)

    Create (1) Dashboard which will monitor how many audits are done & could track which teams have turned in audits -

    Then any additional reports you may need you could create as needed after that.

    But definitely start with the sheet and forms!

    If you'd like to speak more about this let me know!

    -Jon Mark

  • Paul H
    Paul H ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/26/22

    @Tolu&@Jon Mark H

    Another option to creating 20 forms is to use a string URL query creating a unique URL for each department. You can leave those fields visible/editable in the form or hide them



    =""+ "?Location=" +[email protected]+ "&Department=" +[email protected]