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Spell Check

I would love to see a spell check function. It would significantly cut down on issues relating to typos and other erroneous information.

40 votes

On Radar·Last Updated

Thanks for the suggestion and we'll take this into consideration. As others noted, you can leverage your browser's built-in spell check or third party browser plug-ins.


  • I see Smartsheet Spellcheck has been requested by many users over the years. We just caught an embarrassing error in time and this exact form even has spell check! Please add

  • 我们使用语法与拼写和语法帮助errors outside of SmartSheet. It is useable in the Community Comments field but not in our sheets! Let's get this updated : )

  • Hi, has this issue been resolved? I tried typing some gibberish into one of my sheets and Smartsheet marked it with a red underline. However, this red underline is seen only when you are actively typing in that cell. It does not show up when you single-click on the cell or scroll away from it.

  • I have our company using LanguageTool (browser add-ons) and has been a huge improvement after i started to enforce it. I spent many nights and weekends cleaning up past entries (thousands of rows) and in order to maintain that, all our licensed users who can edit sheets are required to have it active.Check it out for yourself

  • Bringing this back up!

    As a new user for work, and a HORRIBLE speller... it would be great to have this feature added, or at least a timeline of when to expect it.

    Having to type in front of the client is hard enough, and not having spell check to help with typos and miss spelled words it makes it 100x worse. If there is no end is sight, I see myself switching back to Excel.

    (also, i understand that chrome and grammerly can help, but i am not able to install grammerly on my work computer for security purposes and not an admin)

  • gsimone_401
    edited 07/06/23

    Agree with other users- this is critically needed

  • Brenda Lutz
    Brenda Lutz ✭✭
    edited 08/08/23

    It would be helpful to add spell check to the application. Its a little bewildering that it hasn't been inserted yet, but exporting to check spelling & importing back always causes issues. Please add to the platform. Thanks.