存档2017年帖子- Smartsheet社区 https://community.smartsheet.com/ 2022年6月16日星期四22:08:50 +0000 存档2017年帖子- Smartsheet社区 回复:任务提醒 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/12321/re-task-alerts 2017年8月9日星期三03:12:59 +0000 2017年帖子 本W 12321 @ /讨论

我想用智能表提醒每天给我发邮件,告诉我到期但没有完成的任务。However they don't always come through each day despite it having the right set up

To do this I use a form to add new tasks and then included the following columns in my sheet so;

  • a date column for when activity is due (future dated when added)
  • a formula column that does Today-date column (I've done this so that this column changes each day which I think is required to prompt the alert which detects when it is 0 or negative)
  • a done tickbox column so that done items are not included in the alert each day.

Has anyone done something similar - I have included the alert as image below - my problem is that some days it comes through but other days it doesn't and this causes problems.

Thanks in advance for your help.

smartsheet alert.png

通过API重命名报表 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/10371/renaming-a-report-through-the-api 2017年6月15日星期四11:40:38 +0000 2017年帖子 内森•里德 10371 @ /讨论


Is there a way to rename a report through the API?



创建Smartsheet API报表 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/6872/smartsheet-api-report-creation 2017年1月3日星期二10:52:53 +0000 2017年帖子 伊西多尔·弗拉维奥·格拉芙 6872 @ /讨论



我们有很多报告,它们只有很小的差异。< / p >

Normally it is just a filter e.g. name of "assigned to".


If we have to slightly change these reports, we have to change all the reports by hand.

Is it possible to create/change reports with the API?


I tried to do it but i did not found it in the API (Smartsheet Java SDK).

To create folders it is possible to make something like that:

        Folder folder = new Folder.CreateFolderBuilder().setName("New Folder").build();

        folder = smartsheet.homeResources().folderResources().createFolder(folder);


but the report ressources has no creation method

       report =  smartsheet.reportResources().createReport(report);


If this feature not exists, this is my feature request :-)


Thanks a lot.

报表过滤 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/7550/filters-on-reports 2017年3月7日星期二17:47:04 +0000 2017年帖子 史蒂夫·穆斯塔法 7550 @ /讨论





将ALL大写改为ALL大写 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/10851/proper-function-to-change-all-caps-to-all-caps 2017年6月27日星期二16:59:52 +0000 2017年帖子 sojourner16 10851 @ /讨论

我有一个很长的表,其中所有的文本都是大写的。我知道UPPER和LOWER函数会把整个句子变成小写,但是有没有合适的函数(比如excel)把句子的第一个字母大写,后面的字母小写?< / p > 如何用数字和文本和单元格 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/9586/how-to-sum-cells-with-numbers-text 2017年5月20日星期六15:17:40 +0000 2017年帖子 Dereck H 9586 @ /讨论 我有一个超级基本的问题,但我似乎找不到一个快速的答案。< / p >

Want to sum cells with both numbers and text in them like "15 min" + "15 min" and get the result of "30 min". I formatted the cell with the following formula:

=15 + " min"

Result: 15 min

When I add 2 cells with that formula [=15 + " min"] + [=15 + " min"], the result is 0. How do I tell smartsheet to ignore the text string and focus on summing the numeric value only?

是否真的没有内置的日志\NL功能? https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/12231/is-there-really-no-built-in-log-nl-function 星期一,2017年8月7日11:23:23 +0000 2017年帖子 迈克尔。贝克 12231 @ /讨论 我和我的团队正试图在智能表中实现我们的升级算法,但似乎SS不能用公式计算自然对数。我们是不是遗漏了什么?Why is the SS math library so dumbed down? 

Below is the formula in Excel we are trying to migrate.  


WHERE: A2 is a user input field for the number of user impacted by the issue. 


Clearly you could do something with a bunch of nested if statements that would work but it would be a mess.  

格式化自动邮件通知 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/7307/formatting-automated-email-notifications 2017年2月14日星期二22:35:03 +0000 2017年帖子 凯莉D 'Costa 7307 @ /讨论

Hi Team,




另外,我们可以选择在邮件正文中显示哪些数据吗?也许改变布局等? < / p > < p >, < / p > < p >谢谢< / p > < p >凯莉< / p > 仪表板-甘特图报告的格式很奇怪 https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/13831/sights-dashboards-gantt-chart-reports-are-formatting-weirdly 2017年9月21日星期四14:16:36 +0000 2017年帖子 Bjohnson 13831 @ /讨论

好吧,我不知道还能用什么词…但在每个仪表板上,甘特图报告都重新格式化了自己,使报告中间的任何一列都变得巨大……然后把甘特图缩小到一个很小的,看起来有点傻的最后一列。< / p >

I love you Smartsheets --but you are making it almost impossible to advocate for full corporate adoption if this sort of random resizing happens.

Any ideas?  i have like 100 reports that look silly on dashboards.  

自动刷新数据? https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/8396/auto-refresh-data 2017年4月20日星期四15:41:26 +0000 2017年帖子 乔恩•布朗 8396 @ /讨论

我已经为一个表开发了一个web表单,我正在使用它从我们的生产线收集生产数据。ob欧宝娱乐app手机下载< / p >

I am then using a smartsheet sights to display production data on a dashboard I have published.

I may be wrong, but I think the sheet that the data is being sent to needs to be manually refreshed so that the sight will be continuously up to date?

Is there a way to automate the refresh function?

